We are looking to showcase the lasting impact these virtual experiences have on individual lives, while demonstrating how oneself and their digital persona synchronously exist.
Real Fantasy is looking for stories about memories from online games and platforms of all genres. Examples include meeting a loved one
, leading a raid2
, getting banned3
. All stories, whether they are light-hearted or deeply emotional, are welcome. Stories should be told in first person. Limited to one (1) story per person. GLHF.1Final Fantasy XIV 2World of Warcraft 3Runescape 4Club Penguin. Contributors retain all rights to their work and are free to distribute their contributions elsewhere. Due to the intentional lack of creative constraints, we cannot guarantee every story will be included. Number and length of submissions will determine the design, production, and price. All contributors will receive a free copy of the magazine. We plan on launching in 2023. Any questions can be emailed to realfantasymag@gmail.com.